
We are working closely with both Canadian and international health care centers and institutison, allowing us to develop and validate the performance of our healthcare IoT system with patients. ​


Big Motion Technologies Inc.

As a subsidiary company of CGTae Technology Inc., BigMotion Technologies Inc. located in Surrey, BC, Canada. We are collaborating on the development of algorithms that are the core of IoT technology and the development of oversea markets.


Delta View

Delta View, located in Delta, B.C., Canada, provides the health care for adults who needs 24-hour nursing care, personal care assistance, and support. We are testing and improving our systems with the tests performed from residents and the feedbacks from the care staffs.


Ehwa Medical Center
Ehwa Medical Center, located in Seoul, South Korea, is the general specialized healthcare organization. We are improving our system accuracy by collecting the data from the mild cognitive impairment and Parkinson's disease patients.


Data Science For Knowledge Creation Research Center

The Center for Data Science and Knowledge Creation at Seoul National University is a leading research center, where experts from Statistics, Industrial Engineering,  Computer Science, and Computational Science gather to integrate knowledge in each field to perform new research. We are collaborating on the development of Fall Prediction Algorithm through statistical model.